Hindu Sunrise & Hindu Sunset Time By Vedic Astrology

Hindu Sunrise and Sunset is different then Astronomical Sunrise and sunset. Most Newspapers publish Astronomical value of sunrise and sunset Hindu sunrise the sunrise time can be calculated as sum of Astronomical Sunrise, time taken by Sun to rise half of its diameter. Hindu Sunrise = Astronomical Sunrise + Time taken by the Sun to rise half of its diameter + Time taken by the Sun to rise further to neutralize refraction effect. Similarly, Hindu Sunset = Astronomical Sunset - Time taken by the Sun to set half of its diameter - Time taken by the Sun to set further to neutralize refraction effect. Vedic Astrology Calculations depends on Hindu sunrise and Hindu set timing. Astronomical timings of sunrise and sunset cannot be used.
Sunrise and sunset are very important for spiritual awakening process in order to attain Moksha or enlightenment.

Astronomical Sunrise is shorter than Hindu Sunrise because in Astronomical Sunrise consider on first ray on horizon but in hindu sunrise time taken by Sun to rise half of its diameter counted more The Sun is the Ruler of all the Planets and is a source of energy and life. It is considered as a Male Planet for Astrological purposes. Sun rays are connected with the inner most spirit of human beings. Hence, the Sun is depicted as the Soul of the universe representing the life-force on the earth. In Vedic Astrology, Sun has been described as Soul (Atma) of all beings. Sun is self of a person. Vedic astronomy sets the standard for time in Sanatana Dharma. Going by it, the Center point of the sun that is rising at the horizon marks the end of the previous day and so it is precisely that moment that is the beginning of the New day. You will find that along the same longitude, the sunrise timings will be earlier at the northern latitudes than the places in the southern latitudes. You can experience this as you travel between north and south. In Hindu,the day starts from sunrise and it ends only at the next sun rise.